Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Assess the view that secularisation Essay

There is no agreed definition of the word secularisation- depending on how you define it will determine whether or not it is happening/exists. Some will argue that; secularisation is happening, it never happened, it did happen, or it’s a western issue. The exclusivist definition sees religion as involving beliefs in some supernatural, supra-human being or forces of some kind, which would indicate that secularisation is apparent in modern society as church attendance has declined in the UK from 11.1% of the population in the 1980s, to 6.6% in 2005. The inclusivist definition takes a less traditional approach, and includes beliefs and activities that most wouldn’t define as religious e.g. New Age Movements that look at spiritual therapies; this suggests secularisation isn’t happening and that religion is never likely to decline as alternative activities replace traditional roles of religion. If secularisation is defined as the exclusivist definition, then the UK ca n be classes as experiencing secularisation. Different sociologists have different theories contributing to our understanding of secularisation, for example Webers rationalisation theory. However, opponents of the secularisation debate argue that secularisation is only apparent in modern European societies, as church attendance and religious participation is in the increase in countries like America. Firstly evidence supporting the view of secularisation is only in modern European societies includes the decline of religious participation. In the UK, not only has church attendance decreased in recent years; church marriages, funerals and other religious ceremonies have dropped in attendance, as well as an increase in divorce rates and premarital children (50% of all parents) which suggests a decline in moral beliefs. Bruce suggests that the growth in scientific explanations and the application of technology in modern society has undermined the traditional religious beliefs. However, this decline in religious participation does not apply to the whole of the world. According to the 2004 Home Office Citizenship survey, minority ethnic groups are generally more religious than Whites, as they rank religion as second or third most important indicator of identity- compared to White British who ranked it 10th. Bellah goes against the view that secularisation is only a western European problem and argues that those who attend church in other  countries might not be going for religious reasons e.g to get into certain schools- which Davie refers to as ‘belonging without believing’. Wilson agrees that secularisation is taking place, and argues that churches of modern European societies has recently become disengaged; churches no longer plays a part in important aspects of social life e.g. education, health care, morality or politics, and therefore no longer has influence over the new generation. However in many countries religion still plays a big part in society, as many countries base their culture on religion and many cultural events are still based on traditional religion- this supports the view that secularisation is only a feature of modern European societies. Although, others argue that the decrease in traditional religion influence is not evidence for secularisation, as in modern society religion has resacularised; people are turning from traditional beliefs into spiritual. For example the increase in diversity of New Age Religions e.g. yoga and meditation have an increasing participation rate. Postmodernists argue that religion is not declining its just being reorientated, which gives individuals a chance to pick n mix aspects of society to suit them. Wilsons theory of disengagement of churches could also be criticised as many churches still have connections to modern day society, for example many charities are linked with the church, the Queen is the head of state, and there are 26 Bishops in the house of Lords. This means that secularisation is not actually a feature of modern European society as it is misinterpreted due to the recent change in focus of religion which is moving away from traditional beliefs and taking on spiritual values. Weber believes that the increasing rationalisation of the world has drained the magic and mystery out of religious ways of thinking. Science has provided the basis for the advance in technology that gives humans the power to control nature and undermine the religious worldview that events can be explained by using the will of God. Humans therefore have lost the ability to experience a sense of sacredness and mystery in life. This disenchantment cannot apply in undeveloped, 3rd world countries as this scientific belief and advance in technology hasn’t reached there, and many countries manage to combine science and religion. Religion in places of suffering is still justified by these societies as being a ‘plan’ made by God, and therefore religion acts as a glimpse of hope. Therefore secularisation is only a feature of modern  society, especially in developed counties like European societies. A growth in fundamentalism has returned in many countries, where pockets of the world take religious very seriously and take the literal meaning of religious texts and associated behaviour- so secularisation is a feature of only European societies. Although some would argue that this is only reinserted due to strong socialisation into being very religious (especially through family and education), so being religion is a cultural influence rather than a personal choice/belief. Some sociologists argue that religion has undergone Disneyfication; Lyon suggests post modern society has trivialised religion in order to appeal to the modern society by promoting fun and amusement. In order for religion to survive in the modern European societies, it has to market itself (like a spiritual supermarket). However this does not necessarily count as secularisation, as others argue that this marketing of religion gives a wider choice of religion which technically creates more religion- post modernists argue that disneyfication enhances religion. However, religious pluralism sees power in society spread among a wide variety of interest groups and individuals, which no single one having a monopoly of truth. People in modern society have a huge choice of religion- and can be a part of more than one religious institution. This means it is very hard to measure participation due to the vast amount of religions and therefore secularisation has been misjudged in modern European society. Marxists and Feminists would go against this view as they believe religion is still playing its role in creating conflict between different social classes, and therefore secularisation cannot be taking place. To conclude, the view that secularisation has been a feature of modern European societies is debated by many sociologists, and these theories and contributions are useful in explaining why some countries are experiencing secularisation more than others. It recognises current issues like disenchantment, disneyfication and the new insights of scientific explanations. However it is heavily criticised by other sociologists for ignoring important aspects of society, like religious pluralism and many studies are outdated so no longer apply tp modern societies. Feminists would argue that religion still plays its role in exploiting women, and Functionalists believe religion is still acting as social glue. Postmodernists also disagree and believe that religion is more diverse in  modern society so individuals can have more choice in what they believe.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Matt Leeds

Leeds felt that taking a position in the consulting firm would give him broader exposure In the retail/marketing field and the Job In general was more glamorous. Kingston offered him a Job and also promised Leeds would become a UP in a few years. He ended up accepting the offer from Dander Boonton and Scott was not happy with the decision. Dander Boonton has (3) practicing areas; mass merchants and luxury retailers, catalog/Delbert marketing and consumer goods manufacturers.Leeds would be a part of the first practice and the recruiter, with whom Leeds interacted with, spoke highly of the Senior Partner in charge of the area UT also mentioned moral was a down due to the low number of promotions to partnership. The hierarchy at the company is the following: Associate consultant, Consultant, Engagement Manager, Partner, Managing Director Each office has a managing director who optimizes the use of resources to keep staff as fully billable as possible, especially Junior people who do not have clientele. Engagement Directors sell services and staff It with Engagement Managers who use consultants.Engagement Managers participate In one project at a time usually for up to (8) months. Consultants are rotated more often, every four to six months. This is done to allow consultants to be a part at different stages of the engagement with different clients. Dander uses a formal Management by Objectives evaluation process and most of the promotions are from within. Leeds was interviewed by managers that impressed him but he was also told he would not know who his boss or assignment was until the first day of work, He was also told he would become an engagement manager within 2 to 3 years.His first day at work he met his boss who outlined his flirts assignment in about ten minutes. It was a merchandising optimization model project with a chain of women's apparel stores, but it would not start for another six months, and in the meantime the project had to be planned. He was int roduced to the only other consultant on the project up to that time, Eleanor Swift. He had a meeting with his boss that did not go well because his boss had stereotyped Mambas as people who know less than what they really claim.His boss was confrontational stating Leeds would not get special treatment and that he would have to prove himself like everyone else. Leeds replied stating he was someone who got his hands dirty and gave examples of this in his role in the stores. His boss also told him in the next weeks he would be extremely busy FIFO Telling a project, out Tanat en was welcome to ask any Stetsons IT name. Lyle tool Leeds his initial Job was to work on project plans for each major part of the project and to work with Swift, but that he had to report to him and not Swift.Leeds was not happy with the first meeting with his boss, whom he saw as not welcoming and disinterested. He also met Swift who characterized herself as a corporate misfit, who knew how to get things done bu t did not engage in politics like everyone else. She told Leeds that by working with her he would learn his Job. She also expressed her dislike for Harvard Mambas and went on to say he would be in learning mode for at least six months and also mentioned the company was a highly structured environment. Leeds was not happy with his boss or peer but had mixed feelings about the project.The negative part was that it would start in six months, but it was good to start on something so big for the office with challenging work from the ground up. On the second day he was invited to lunch by one of the consultants that had interviewed him and they met other consultants as well. They seemed a lot ore interested in his background than his boss and peer and also informed him about a change in recruitment practices where all new hires for entry level positions were now Mambas from top schools. As a result Mambas were dominating the company, which was a possible cause of Lye's and Swifts dislike of Mambas.The couple of times Leeds went to ask his boss some questions about what he had read about Fashioner he was told to come back later. He asked Swift and she answered in her condescending style. Swift would give trivial tasks to Leeds which he did not question since he did not want to be perceived as aggressive. By his third week, Swift scheduled meetings with Engagement Managers who had run projects similar to the components of the project; order quantities, pricing, markdowns and location optimization.Leeds was in the meetings but did not participate much because he was overwhelmed by the information and felt he should be in learner mode as Swift had suggested. He also felt like nobody asked for his opinion and began to feel uncomfortable. Leeds had a conversation with Brenner, the consultant who interviewed him and she told him making good presentations, having all facts and figures prepared was important along with being enthusiastic, ambitious, creative, and analytical. Leeds was asked to analyze Fashioner sales data and write a Memo which he did with Lye's help.The Engagement Director praised it as good, but Leeds was disappointed because he wasn't included in the development of work plans done by Lyle and Swift using his analysis. He felt he was more than qualified to participate in this. He seemed to get along with everybody at Dander except for Lyle and Swift. He spoke to other consultants who informed him other new hires were doing more challenging tasks and that they did not understand why he was given such mundane assignments. This seems like a bad case of set-up to fail without having any reason other than a stereotype or bad feelings toward Mambas.Lyle and Swift had made up their mind about Leeds without giving him a chance at success. Lyle provided very little information and assigned work or let Swift assign work that would not encourage or inspire anyone. After six weeks of being there Lyle still had not given Leeds his objectives. One time, Leeds Ana to ay word processing Decease Nils secretary was on vacation and the other secretaries were busy. Hopper saw him and reprimanded him saying he should not be doing clerical work. That's why they had secretaries and doing that kind of work would undermine his credibility.Leeds respectfully told him it was a minor change he needed to get done quickly, but Hopper insisted. Lyle heard the incident and told Leeds that Hopper was being unreasonable. Leeds decided to listen to Hopper since he had seniority over Lyle. After this, an incident caused tension between Leeds and both Swift and Lyle. Swift then asked Leeds to make copies for her immediately. Leeds said he was busy and told her to manage her time better and make her own copies. She got upset and asked him if he was too good to make copies. Leeds was upset and he snatched the papers and started making the copies.After lunch he had a note to go see Lyle. Lyle took Swifts side and shouted at Leeds stating he had to be a team player and that even Harvard Mambas had to make copies. Leeds was frustrated because he felt Lyle was not being objective. Again this sounds like Lyle has his in and out group. Leeds is in the out group without having had a chance to prove himself. Leeds confronted Swift about her being condescending and Swift apologized sarcastically. Leeds either performed clerical tasks and upset Hopper or does not and upsets his boss and peer. A couple of days later Hopper approached Leeds asking him if he was happy in the company.Leeds stated he had some issues with Swift, but said Lyle was really good to him. He felt it was not good to make negative comments about his boss to his superiors. Leeds found out after three months he should be given an evaluation, he requested one from Lyle and a couple of days later had an informal evaluation during lunch. Lyle said he was doing a nice Job, learning his Job and getting along with everyone in the office, but that he was unassertive and lacke d initiative, especially during meetings. Leeds mentioned he was being a learner as Swift had suggested and also mentioned Swifts condescending attitude.Lyle replied she had a deficient management style, but that he never had issues with her and that Leeds should be able to get along with her. Swift and Leeds got into another argument over analysis Leeds had done of Fashioner's existing pricing policies and markdown approaches. Swift was initially impressed with his work, but when he showed her the spreadsheet he was using for his analysis she started questioning his findings. Swift started screaming mentioning Harvard Mambas thought they knew it all and Leeds was called into Lye's office, whereLyle once again defended Swift and promised to give Leeds distinct assignments. He also told him he did not understand why be couldn't get along with Swift, that she was misunderstood, but had a good heart. Lyle, as the manager, should take steps to resolve the conflict and make the situation better, but Leeds did not believe he would do that. Leeds took matters into his own hands and invited Swift to speak after work. They did and agreed to cooperate. Other Consultants in the company criticized Lyle calling him a bad manager and stating that he did not train people.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Informative Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Informative Research Paper - Essay Example It seems that solar energy is more potential as compared to other renewable energy sources, because it is easily and freely available and causes less harm to the environment. In the words of Daniel Lincot, the chairman of the five-day European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference held in Valencia, solar energy can meet the energy demand of the whole world, for it is a â€Å"renewable, safe, and clean source† of energy (qtd. in Hill). This paper will suggest solar energy as the most potential alternative renewable energy source currently available, for its potential features such as infinitely free energy, no greenhouse gases, saving eco-systems, and off-the-grid energy generation. Solar Energy The most potential feature of solar energy, according to Kamat, is that it is an infinitely free energy; and this would not usually incur any additional expenses other than the initial installation and maintenance costs (2834). As compared to conventional power generation, solar energy p roduction does not require expensive raw materials such as coal, and it requires a significantly lower labor force. Solar energy generation has advantages of direct and indirect costs. To illustrate, since sun and the solar semi-conductors can do the whole work, it would trim down labor costs to a great extent. In addition, no raw materials are to be extracted and refined for the production of solar power, and hence there are no indirect costs involved. Desideri finds solar energy as the most accessible renewable energy as compared to other energy, because it is more available and free, â€Å"and it is considered such as one of the greatest technological potential areas† (298). Sunlight is distributed almost equally all across the globe although there are some seasonal and territorial variations in the availability of sunlight; it also adds to the potentiality of this renewable energy. Another notable feature of solar energy is that there are no greenhouse gases emitted durin g the solar power generation process, and therefore it contributes little to environmental issues such as global warming or climate change. In addition, solar energy does not produce any smoke or chemical byproduct that is toxic to humans. Thomas also points out how a solar thermal or photovoltaic system avoids greenhouse gas emissions (28). It is clear that today nations strive to eliminate greenhouse gases and other toxic emission so as to promote the concept of sustainable development. In this context, this green energy technology would assist governments in cutting down their environmental intervention costs and promoting environmental sustainability significantly. Furthermore, since solar energy is free from environmentally harmful emissions, solar power plants can be established in any region where high intensity sunlight is available. The United States Environmental Protection Agency proposes solar energy as the most substantial choice: Solar energy is considered environmenta lly friendly because the sun is a natural energy source that does not require the burning of fossil fuels and the associated air emissions. In addition, it is considered renewable since the energy produced from the sun does not deplete any natural resources, and will never run out†¦ Certain additional features allow the end user to continue to operate even when the sun is not shining (EPA). Finally, developing more solar energy is a better way for organizations to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility, which is a central aspect of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International hospitality- To critically evaluated marketing strategic Essay

International hospitality- To critically evaluated marketing strategic in accommodation sector - Essay Example This is possible only when the products and services match the best possible industry standards and then excel in as many aspects as possible related to customer service and experience.   Sales and promotional activities, aimed at promoting and marketing a hotel are taken up by every management but effective ones do this in a way unique to them. Marketing concepts of the hotel industry need to be understood as the process by which the customer is informed about the availability of the services and goods that meet their expectations and needs on the right time and at the right place, (Frolick, and Ariyachandra, 2006). It needs to arouse their  interest and sustain it in what the hotel has to offer. The marketing aspect should be able to arouse a strong desire in the minds of the customer to try out what is offered, and then gently nudge them towards being the client of the hotel in the long run. The Hospitality industry provides both tangible and intangible services. Good food tha t satisfies the appetite, comfortable beds that provide a good night restful sleep, wide range of beverages that provide a sense of having tasted some of the finest drinks available, are some of the most tangible benefits that the clients look forward to during their visits, (Aylsworth, 1996). If a hotel management staff fails to meet any of these above client expectations, then it is hard for them to sustain in the competitive hospitality industry. As a result, it is important for the hotel management to meet these standards and must closely focus on every little edge they have over the others in order to please and attract customers, (Lowson, King, and Hunter, 1999). A Hotel’s efficiency and effectiveness will depend on the ability of its management staff to frame the right strategies for marketing and lead the marketing team and the entire staff in implementing that strategy. It goes without saying that such an approach requires the marketing department to be staffed adequ ately with the right kind of personals. However, there should not be extravagant expenditure on the marketing aspect.   The Hospitality Industry has definitely changed with times. By its very nature, it is a matrix of several inter-related consumer oriented services, each of which can be seen as an independent one also. It can face unexpected crises, surges and slumps, challenges and opportunities. Hotel Industry needs to possess strategic planning techniques in anticipation as well as in speedy response to such situations. Such preparedness has to be maximum in marketing functions.  Uncertainties challenge the ingenuity of the hotel staff and management and effective planning has to factor in the long term goals of the management, into the current and contingency plans in response to emerging uncertainties, (Aylsworth, 1996). This way, the management can avoid the derailing of their long term goals when challenges arise. Such integrated planning both for long term goals and cur rent realities is called Strategic planning. Marketing on these lines is called strategic marketing. Strategic Marketing should be able to convert challenges into opportunities, in keeping with the hotel management’s long term goals.  In fact,  a well designed marketing plan is actually the integration of  strategic  plans with the various aspects of marketing. Due to the ever

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nothing But Death by Pablo Neruda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nothing But Death by Pablo Neruda - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the poem "Nothing But Death" is full of pathos, anguish, pain, desolation, and isolation or rather alienation of Neruda with the world, in general, and with himself, his inner trials and tribulations, in particular. In the second phase, we discover a new Neruda, like a sphinx that is reborn from its own ashes. In the second phase, Neruda has discovered his mission as a poet, whose ultimate aim and responsibility is to give encouragement to man. This poem begins on a bleak note, continues in this dark vein and ends in utter desolation. "Nothing But Death" has an elegiac character and overall gives an impressionistic picture of doom and gloom. It has a hermetic tone and sketches a metaphysical meditative picture on the grim reality and final tyranny of death. The omniscient narrator is in a dream-like state and with him also hypnotically takes the reader into this stance. Moreover, the poem is replete with dark allegor ical imagery, which at times is almost corporeal. The symbols employed by Neruda in this poem are surreal, while the oxymoron ( silence-sound ) used to have more than their common, mundane rhetorical value. Essentially, the whole mood and tone of the poem is dark__ a black hole like vacuum fills the poetic canvas and draws the reader into it, who is engulfed by darkness, that pervades the entire creation. In the damp darkness, the heart of the reader sinks like the illusionary ship of the poem.

The anthropology of food and meaning in Slav cultures Research Paper

The anthropology of food and meaning in Slav cultures - Research Paper Example As a matter of fact, anthropologists have made food a separate variable while doing research on cultures, in order to assess the way of living of the different societies in the past and at present. Slavic Culture: As there are a huge number of countries in this world, so is the vast number of cultures they share. Considering different regions of the world, the Slavic culture is a prominent one and indeed the largest in Europe. The ‘Great Migration’ is what tells us about the evolution of the Slavs first in the first millennium. Before the mid-fifth century, there was not any kind of data (literary or archaeological) available on the Slav culture. By the sixth century, the archaeological verifications tell us that the Slav moved in the Central Europe. All the Slavs share parallel cultures and languages. The Slav are majorly divided into three main groups, geographically; East, West and South Slavs. The Slavs have some historical association with the Turks, and that can be witnessed in the geographic and tribal names, and noticeably the cuisines. Usually the Slavs used to live aside the woods and jungles which can get them food and obviously a place for a shelter (Randall Mack and Surina). The Slavs majorly relied on food item gathered from hunting, fishing, collecting berries, different nuts, mushrooms and other available food item in the forest to complement their diet. After the World War II, the many of the Russian territories were becoming home for the salavic expatriates and the nomads. This drastic increase in the population greatly affected their cuisine across Russia. However, the Slav identity has been affected at present due to migration, and population disruption. A great part of the Slavic culture is affected by the European cultural influence, specifically, the Scandinavia, Germany and some part of East Europe. There are other abundant significant cultures that particularly affected the food culture of Russia. Famous for its intake of f ood and their perspective on how they see food as an essential element of their life, there are certain issues which underlie from the evolution of this culture and are still present (Randall Mack and Surina). Thesis Statement: For a very long period, Russia was locked from top to bottom, it had no influence of the outside world and Russia had a Slavic food culture, but with globalization and modernization it has lost that food culture and traditions of eating, transforming the entire food culture of Russia or the Slavic culture. Discussion: The study of human and human culture across the space is termed as ‘anthropology’. It is the study of human and their cultures from the past to present (American Anthropological Association). The anthropology of food is the study of human culture focusing specifically on its food and society, the relationship between the food and society with its cultural context and sometimes within a cross-cultural context (Wilk) It is basically t he analysis of food in a culture, why people in different cultures are only confined to a limited variety of food and have certain restrictions which are not only because of the nutritional point of view that they avoid certain things but because of their culture, religion, historical background, economical or geographical factors and their financial capability (Wilk). In this paper, we will only focus on the food culture of Russia. Its evolution, what it used to be and what it is at the present. It is witnessed that the Russian food culture

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Invasion of Kuwait in 1990 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Invasion of Kuwait in 1990 - Essay Example The essence and purpose of this essay is to analyze how the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq has affected the relationship between these two countries to date. To achieve this goal, the researcher of the essay analyzes several different oficial and unofficial reasons for the invasion, the results of the war, and the United States factor in the invasion discussed. In addition, several reasons were advanced by Iraq to justify the invasion which was contrary to international law, and article 2(4) of the UN Charter which forbids the use or the threat of use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another country. The official reason that was discussed in the essay and advanced by Iraq is that it was invading at the request of revolutionaries who were dissatisfied with the regime. However, the researcher mentiones that the real reasons for the attack behind it were conspicuous and were revealed later, for example by Saddam Hussein during his interrog ation by the FBI. The researcher analyzes the consequences of the war and discusses how the Invasion affected Kuwait-Iraq relationship today. In conclusion the researcher states that the Iraq invasion of Kuwait had serious repercussion on the relationship between the two countries. It not only strained its relationship with Kuwait, but also major superpowers. However, following the removal of Saddam Hussein from power, the relationship between the two countries are slowly normalizing again.... Therefore, Iraq sent officials to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other gulf member countries to convince them to fix the price of oil. The OPEC member states finally agreed at a price, but which the Kuwait said would not honor, and Kuwait was throughout violating their quota. Consequently, this gave rise diplomatic and economic disputes between these two countries (Gulfnews, 2009). Secondly, the other issue related to debts that Kuwait had advanced to Iraq to fund the war with Iran. At the end of the war, Iraq could not repay the debt that amounted to $14 billion. Hence, Iraq approached Iran to forgive the debt, a request which Kuwait rejected. This compromised the other avenue that Iraq could use to secure funds to help in rebuilding, that is through securing loans. This is because the amounts extended had already been registered as loans, and therefore Iraq could not secure loans from third states. Iraq argued that the word ‘loan’ had been used to disguise the real nature of such funding to Iran. Iraq was of the view that these amounts were not loans but free grants to aid in the fight against Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini which was threatening to overran the whole Arab region. The failure to forgive these debts acerbated the tension between these two countries (Gulfnews, 2009). The other reason advanced by Iraq, was the accusation that Kuwait was ‘stealing’ oil across their international border through slant-drilling especially in Rumaila oil fields. The oil field borders the two countries and during the Iraq-Iran war, while Iraq had cut materially production of oil from Rumaila oil fields, Kuwait increased its production in the same area. Iraq accused Kuwait of employing advanced drilling methods to its oil. It argued that Kuwait had

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Abortion In The United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Abortion In The United States - Essay Example Statistics suggest that 50 percent of all women opting for abortion, in the United States, fall in the age group of below twenty-five years of age and 66 percent of all abortions are performed on women who have been never-married. Women under the age of twenty-five or even younger are far less likely to have sufficient means to sustain themselves much less, have the resources to look after their yet unborn child. Giving birth further increases the burden on the mother to provide for the child and in the absence of adequate financial and social means, the life and well-being of both - the mother and the child could be threatened thus causing more harm than good in the long run. The debate on abortion is subject to a range of philosophical as well as constitutional deficiencies, which often threaten to push the subject into a potential gray market of even more complex choices. The advocates of equal rights for both the genders suggest that equal rights include the right to choose and m ake decisions concerning their own health and safety, which in case of women includes abortion. Graber suggests that preventing women from making such choices that may directly affect their well-being amounts to preventing them access to basic civil rights. It is similar to preventing a section of society from accessing education, or a certain type of food of their choice. For some, relinquishing the food of their choice may be an easier alternative than having to debate over choices that directly affect their own health.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Justify the Importance of the Safe School Collaborative Process Essay

Justify the Importance of the Safe School Collaborative Process Considering the Social Cognition of School-age Children - Essay Example School, society and organizations should form collaboration for this purpose because the lives of school-age children revolve around the school and the society. According to Winer and Ray (1994), partners who are coming into collaboration usually have in mind services they want to integrate so as to achieve some long-term goals together. Therefore, they must overcome various layers of resistance to policies, attitudes and relationships within and across institutions, throughout the community and among consumers. This means they have to develop a process of change that will enable them overcome any resistance. These partners have to device a process of working together and this process should be flexible enough to accommodate or allow adjustments to new circumstances. After agreeing to collaborate, the first and most important thing that has to be done by the collaborative is the creation of the process itself. This involves the development of important guidelines that will serve as the framework on how the parties involved will work together throughout the project. For collaboration to succeed, there needs to be a full support of the management. At times, collaborative can find themselves repeating milestones and stages because new people have become involved or because the group has clarified its intent and purpose another level (Winer and Ray, 1994). For successful collaboration, tactical planning and strategic planning are very crucial. Strategic planning entails visualizing something and then coming up with a way of making it actualize. Therefore, strategic planning is a tool that gives direction of actions and builds systems that will lead to the achievement of the desired outcome or goals (Kono, 1994).On the other hand, the purpose of tactical planning is to link the strategic plan or the long-term business plan of the collaboration to operations. It provides a motivational and intellectual framework for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper Movie Review

David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper - Movie Review Example The film is effective in showing the inconsistencies among Holocaust evidences. The presentation of the Soviet’s and Polish’s version of the Holocaust story is done in a logical manner. The new information David Cole gathers from the tour guide and Dr. Piper are, then, placed side by side with past evidences. As a viewer, it was easy for me to follow what David Cole is trying to tell without getting lost in the different sets of evidence presented. David Cole uses evidence from books and photographs that seem to contradict what Dr. Piper and the tour guide say about the camp. In addition, the film allows audiences to interpret the Holocaust story in their own. David Cole does not force the audience to believe in his theory, but he allows the evidence to speak for itself. He offers a new interpretation of Holocaust evidence and, thus, provides a new twist to the Holocaust story. After viewing the film, I realized that there is a lot more to investigate in the Holocaust story. It is important to get the facts straight since history itself is at

Monday, July 22, 2019

Personal and professional development Essay Example for Free

Personal and professional development Essay In essence, a team may be defined as two or more people who co-operate together with a common aim. A Team focuses towards common goals and clear purpose (park, 1990). The purpose of this report is to reflect on my experience on working in groups, effectiveness of group work, presentation skills, and reflect on the presentation skills. Effectiveness of the group work: The most popular and common model which explains the effectiveness of the team work is Tuckman (1965) the five stages group development model. According to Tuckman (1965) there are five stages of group development and these stages include: forming, storming, norming, preforming, and adjourning. The first stage of group development is forming stage, under this stage the team members are selected, and get to know each other, objectives are well defined, and tasks are identified. Group members try to identify a group leader and the other roles, and they try to find out what behaviors are acceptable to work in group. The second stage of group development is storming, this stage often characterized as conflict stage, where member tends to disagree on leadership, objectives and the rules. In addition, some members may feel dissatisfied with his or her group. The third stage of group development is norming, at this stage the group manages to have one objective goal and come to a common plan for the team. Some may have to give up their own ideas and agree with others to make the team function. In this stage, all team members take the responsibility and have the ambition to work for the success of the teams objective goals. The fourth stage of group development is preforming, at this stage team members performed at the best of their abilities, and the project will be completed effectively and all the problems will be resolved at this stage. The last stage of group development is adjourning, at this stage the members will be happy due to team achievements of their group at the same time they might feel sad because they will be losing close friends when the project comes to the end. Belbin (1981) has researched and analysed effective group performance and recommends a new team model of nine different roles. These roles include: the coordinator, the shaper, the implementor, the monitor evaluator, the plant, the resource investigator, the team worker, the completer and the specialist. The coordinator is a person who has skills to organize, harmonize and control the team very well. The shaper is a person who makes things happens and encourages the team to action. The implemantor is the person who is hard working who like clear objectives and directions. The monitor evaluator is a person who solves the problems and evaluates the suggestions and the ideas. The planet is innovator, creator and inventor. The resource investigators are likeable, enthusiastic, creative and innovative, excelling under pressure through the improvisation. The team workers are the ones who improve the communications between the team members and foster team spirit. The completer is the person who Have all the necessary or appropriate parts and ensures about the targets and deadlines. The specialist contributes technical skills and he is self-motivated, committed and professional in his tasks. Belbin (1981) claims that if the team is incomplete in a team role, or has too many of the same types of role, it would be less effective team. Reflection on Group Work: To some extent our team follows Tuckman (1965) five stage of development but we removed the second stage which is storming. The team consists of four people and we are all friends we know each other’s from the beginning of the semester. . The purpose of the team is to write a report on Melaka trip. We divided the task each member is given a particular task and team leader assume the overall supervision role. These tasks include conducting interview, taking picture, and managing. Each member adopts different team roles based on our skills so as to ensure effectiveness of our team work. For instance, I assume the role of the monitor evaluator and specialist. I have technical skills of taking picture and also am good in analyzing problems and providing good suggestions. Indeed, our team managed to succeed because of our strong relationship, Since member are familiar to each other, the atmosphere was joyful, we were very happy to work together as team, we trust each other and we had achieved an excellent work together. Presentation Skills: According to Carlile and Hensley ( 2005) effective presentation includes planning and writing the presentation, effective use of visual benefits, overcoming nervousness, confidence in delivering and competent answering questions. For instance, presenter needs to understand the aim and purpose of the presentation that he or she will present, prepare well in advance, master the content and research on the audience in order to tailor the content to meet the expectation and understanding of the listeners. Moreover, Students who have a good foundation in literacy skills, with reading, writing and oral communication skills have bigger opportunities to experience the success as active fellow of society. Equally students, who have limited literacy skills, will find it difficult to make successful move from high school, to university. In addition, the success of leadership, teamwork and work place depends on communication skills (New London Group, 1996). Reflection on presentation skills: Before the presentation I was worried about what I well do and how I will speak but after I done my presentation I relaxed because I did a great job the tutor comments was good. Therefore, I have learnt many lessons from individual and group presentations and the tutor feedback that i will try to follow in my next presentations. Now am aware that oral communications skill is a way for successful life after university. I have weakness regarding to my presentation skills, and my weaknesses are: nervousness and weak preparation. Therefore, in order to succeed in presentations I will work harder in my future presentations and try to master the presentations skills. Conclusion: To sum up, I have learned many lessons during this semester and, this group and individual work that I have done so far. I have also learnt many skills and these include social skills, presentation skills, interpersonal skills and spirit of working together as team for mutual goals. Moreover, I have learnt how to communicate and work effectively with people even if I disagree with their ideas.

Difference Between Leadership and Management Essay Example for Free

Difference Between Leadership and Management Essay The difference between leadership and management is an interesting and often, misunderstood difference in sport and in society as well. First the definition of each of these terms needs to be examined and analyzed before the difference can be determined. According to www.dictionary .com, the definition of a manager is someone that has control or direction of something (institution.) gives this definition for a leader: is a person that leads; lead is defined as going before to show the way; conduct or escort. From the definitions, there is a similarity but a big difference as well. In a sports setting, the manager’s mission is to establish a mission and have his workers/employees make the vision come to life the best they can while spending the least amount of money. The way this is operated and conducted is vital to the success of the sports program/organization and is dependent on the manager. For the most part, according to our module lecture, managers, â€Å"define,† some organizations by their â€Å"short-term† and â€Å"long-term† planning. Management is not only responsible for making sure everything they need done is taken care of, they are also liable for the continued success and growth of their organization. Managers are accountable for so much of the success, operation and mishaps that occur with an organization. Overall, management is an occupation. Leadership is a trait that every manager has to obtain, but leadership is also still a trait. Like our lecture explains, leadership is a behavioral process. It is something that has to be developed and is actually only visible in select figures in the sports industry.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Kitchen Cleaning

Kitchen Cleaning Introduction Germs love your kitchen because of the ready supply of food. Food can be contaminated with germs when it is exposed to other foodstuffs, work surfaces or even your hands. Thus, to prevent this, make sure you keep your kitchen hygiene and safe from all germs.Food should always be stored at the correct temperature, so make sure to consult the product labels and use commonsense with fresh products. Check the thermometer on your refrigerator regularly and organize the contents. Always keep in mind that raw and cooked food should never be stored together. Plum the sauce in super for many things with cold meat, as a paste mixed with soy sauce for barbecuing, sandwiches with cheese or cold meat or poultry, as a zest or game casseroles. It is also ideal to spread over lamb when roasting as it added colors well as delicious flavor. For crispy brown bakes vegetables, preheat the one on GRILL. Place the potato and pumpkin on grill tray and cook on GRILL for at least five minutes. Beans and sauce can be reheated together on HIGH for two to three minutes. Few tips should be kept in mind while cooking vegetables. When using whole vegetables, allow air space around each portion to ensure even cooking. Secondly, the greater the surface area of the vegetables, the less time they will end up take to cook. Aluminum Foil can also be used safely, if certain guidelines are followed respectively. This is because the aluminum foil reflects microwave energy. Foil can also be used to advantage in some recipes and can be used to prevent overcooking also. Straw and wicker baskets may be used in the microwave oven for short periods of time to warm rolls or bread. Large wooden utensils, such as bowls or cutting boards, should not be used for prolonged heating as the microwave energy may cause the wood to become dry and brittle. The skin of membranes on some foods will definitely cause steam to build up during microwave cooking. Therefore, foods must always be pierced, scored or at least have a strip of skin peeled off before the cooking in order to allow the steam to escape. Baked goods do not need a long cooking time and therefore, do not brown. When cakes or cupcakes will be iced no one will notice this visual difference. Thus, brown sugar can be used in the recipe in place of castor sugar. In order to get the best results using Auto Defrost is to ensure that the food which has to be defrosted is frozen for at least 48 hours. Then, make sure to remove meat, fish or poultry from its wrapping and place it in an uncovered dish. The quantities which is less than 200 g are the best cooked by manual power and time. For proper cooking results in the microwave, it is important to follow the directions in the recipes regarding the container size and the covering. Important tips for cooking in the microwave are that the dishes should always be securely covered, either with a lid designed for the dish, or even with a plastic wrap and the dishes without their own lids should be completely, but loosely, covered with plastic wrap. In order to prevent the heat from softening and breaking the plastic wrap of the dish, ensure the wrap does not touch the items being cooked. If you are concerned that the wrap will touch the food, then leave a little in it before sealing the wrap down around the dish. This will allow the wrap to lift away from the food as steam builds under it. During standing time loosen plastic wrap by piercing. Always remove the plastic wrap and lids away from you to avoid stem burn and make sure you do not use oven roasting bags as well as freezer bags for microwave heating. Different types of cakes and biscuits are usually best cooked in different metal pans and trays as they have good heat retention. All shallow baking trays are ideal for baking biscuits on and are readily available at many kitchenware shops Summary As with conventional cooking, it is often necessary to turn a tray of biscuits around halfway though cooking to give an even color. When cooking on convection heat, it is important that you remove the turntable and roller ring before preheating the oven. When cooking the meat or poultry by Combination cooking, the food should be placed on the Wire Rack. The rack should be usually placed in a 3 cm deep oblong microwave-safe and a heat resistant dish on the turntable tray. Grill trays should always be placed on drip trays or a roasting pan. This will prevent the food from sitting the grease and juices and gives a crispier exterior. It can even be brushed with oil r melted butter to aid in washing up. Vulnerable foods which attract microwaves (dairy foods, fatty meat and sugar) should be placed underneath and dense food items (vegetables) on top for the best heat penetration and because the temperature of the oil cannot be controlled in a microwave oven, do not attempt deep frying. Always avoid overcooking of food. As in a conventional oven, overcooking can cause food to burn, or just dry out. A few too many seconds can ruin food by microwaves so it is best too cook foods to the minimum times suggested. It is easy to test the food while it is cooking in a microwave oven. Because the heat is instantaneous, the oven does not have to reheat after being opened briefly. If foods are tested while cooking, you can vary suggested times to suit your tastes. When heating 110 g baby food or formula, select HIGH for 15 to 30 seconds, depending on the amount of food or liquid and the starting temperature of it. Test the temperature before serving or further heating of the baby food. To melt chocolate, place 100 g of broken chocolate in a 1-litre glass jug and heat it on MEDIUM-HIGH for 2 to 3 minutes. As e chocolate holds its shape after heating, stir and stand it before adding extra time to cooking. To blanch (250 ml) nuts, place it in a pie place. Cover with hot tap water and heat on HIG for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse it in cold water and rub it between sheets of paper towel to remove skins. In order to make buttered breadcrumbs, combine 250ml breadcrumbs and 30 ml butter and heat it on High for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. And to toast coconut, place 125 ml on a plate and cook on HIGH for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. For an added touch at diner parties, steam your own hand towels. Saturate in cold water, wring and place it on turn table tray. Heat it on HIGH for 1 to 2 minutes. And to soften cream cheese or butter, place it in an oven on MEDIUM-LOW for half a minute to one minute per 125 ml. To remove oven odors, combine 2 ml vanilla essence with 250ml water in a small bowl and heat it on HIGH in a small bowl and heat on HIGH for 4 to 5 minutes. Wipe the oven interior then with a damp cloth. While microwaving boiled eggs, doesnt save you time, it does save you electricity, best of all, washing up. If you want more than one egg use a larger dish, more water (say 500 ml) and cook a little longer (an extra 2 to 4 minutes). While you are likely to hear a certain amount of popping while cooking fried eggs, this can be lessened easily to a degree by just pricking the egg yolk and white with a toothpick several times before cooking. But make sure, that the eggs should be moist at the end of cooking as a minute of standing time will give the eggs a chance to set. Place the meat on a rack in a rectangular dish. Beef rib roast should be placed cut side down. Other bone in roasts should be placed fat side down. Boneless roast should be placed fat side up and halfway through cooking turn roasts. And for best results, select roasts that are uniform in shape. To prevent overcooking or dying of thin areas of meat, it can be shielded at the beginning of cooking or halfway through cooking. If you wish to shield at the beginning of cooking, remove the foil halfway through the cooking time. Description All beef and pork rib roasts should always be shielded by the bones. The foil should also extend about 5 cm down from the bones and the shank, thin ends of boneless roasts, should be shielded at all times of cooking. Loosely cover all types of meat with wax paper or even a paper towel in order to prevent splatter. If a large amount of juice accumulates in the bottom of the dish, then drain occasionally. If desired, reserve it for making gravy. Canned hams should be shielded on the top cut edge with a 3 cm strip of foil. Wrap the strip of foil around ham and secure it to body of ham with wooden toothpicks. You need to fold 2 cm over the cut surface. Half hams should be shielded by wrapping an 8 cm wide strip of foil around the large end of the ham. Secure it to the body of the ham with wooden toothpicks. Then fold 3 cm over the cut surface. In order to check the temperature of the meat, a thermometer is used. It helps in giving accurate indication as to how well the meat is done. You need to make sure the thermometer shall not touch the bone of fat because if it does, then the reading could be inaccurate. To give a perfectly less tender cut of meat by the microwave, ensure that the meat is in the bottom of the dish, covered with liquid. The vegetables are then placed on the top and make sure that you dont stir your casserole until the cooking is completed. Jacket potatoes usually cook well on the root vegetable setting and go not need to be covered. They just simply need to be pricked for at least 2 or 3 times and need to be placed on a paper towel on the turntable. In order to check that your cake is cooked or no, try inserting a wooden toothpick in the centre. It should come out clean. And then after cooking, the cakes should be left in the container for about 5 to 10 minutes, standing on a flat surface, before turning onto a wire rack to cool. To bake 23 cm layers of a cake, each layer must be baked separately. Remove the turntable and the roller ring as well. Place the oven rack then in the oven and preheat the oven to temperature indicated in recipes. Then just place the dish on the oven rack. Few tips and directions should always be kept in mind while baking the cakes. You should always grease the cake pans or even flour the cakes according to the recipe directions and for cupcakes, especially line the metal patty tins with paper cases. Make sure that you never leave the oven door open for a long time when checking to see if your cake is done or no. Even when putting the food in to the oven on BAKE, as it will just end up loosing the heat rapidly. Thus, it will make the cooking process slower. When you are beating the eggs for a sponge, you definitely should use a small bowl. When the sugar is dissolved transfer mixture to a larger bowl to add the remaining ingredients. Although an extra bowl is used, you will end up getting a sponge with a greater volume. In order to make the icing of a coffee cake, sift the icing sugar completely with coffee powder and add melted butter and milk in it. Stir it well in order to make it a soft paste. Spread it over the cool cake then and sprinkle it with coconut or even mixed nuts. Your coffee cake will then be ready to be served. In order to check if the jam has reached the setting point, place a few drops onto a cold saucer. Leave it to cool, and then gently push the jam from one edge with a finger. If the surface wrinkles, or skin has formed, the jam will be set. In order to make mango chutney, place a mango and apple in a bowl and sprinkle it with salt. Stand it overnight. Rinse and drain the fruit and place it in a large dish and add onions to it. Cover and cook it on HIGH for 6 minutes, stirring it halfway through cooking and add a little bit of sugar, vinegar and spices as well. Cover and cook it gain for another 15 minutes and pour it into sterilized jars and seal it. The appeal of a deep fried camembert starter is the way in which the ripe Camembert cheese oozes out of its crisp coating when its cut. Make sure the cheese is just ripe before coating, and then keep it well chilled right up to the moment of deep-frying. If the cheese is allowed to stand at room temperature, it will become over-ripe and ooze out of the coating during frying Conclusion Crunchy baked potato skins are an American idea. Put a spoonful or two of dressing in each potato skin and either eats with the fingers as the Americans do, or with a knife and fork if you prefer. They are equally good served as a starter or as a quick and easy snack. Bruschetta is Tuscan garlic bread made with dense Italian bread, with rich green oil and garlic. The success of this dish depends completely on the ingredients of the dish as the soggy pre-sliced white bread and bland vegetable oil will just not do. Making button mushrooms can give a very delicious flavour. There is no need to wash or peel them, as you just need to wipe it with a wet cloth. Tarragon has a very distinctive flavour, which marries well with mushroom, and the soured cream gives a hint of piquancy. If you are making a pepper and yogurt starter a long time in advance, keep it covered in the refrigerator. Remove from the refrigerator at least one hour before serving it. It should be served at room temperature, and not chilled. A carrot and a celeriac vinaigrette is a colourful dish which should only be served usually in the winters, especially when both the carrots and celeriac are plentiful. Granary or wholemeal bread and butter would just be the ideal accompaniment for this dish. Cheese and pears are a delightful combination, and dessert pears make a refreshing change from avocados in this starter. Comice is a good choice, as they are mouth wateringly juicy when fully ripe. Make sure they are still firm through because, as with all pears, they have to be eaten at just the right moment. Light spinach, cheese, and egg starters usually take their name from the round moulds with straight or slightly sloping sides in which they were originally baked. They are called timbales. This version is commonly cooked in more familiar ramekin dishes. There is a difference between a tomato omelette and a classic French omelette, as a tomato one is cooked for a very short time and served folded over. It is more like a Spanish tortilla, and a flat omelette is cooked for a longer time, and then browned under a hot grill so that both the sides become firm. While making a sprout soufflà ©, the tiny bubbles of air trapper within the egg whites expand as they are heated, puffing up the base mixtures to which they were added, by as much as two thirds of its original size. When making hot soufflà ©s, it is important to follow the recipe precisely; and make sure not try to cut the corners. Always while making curried eggs, make sure to serve this dish in a ring of boiled rice, accompanied by mango chutney and a cucumber salad dressed with natural yogurt and flavoured with fresh mint. Serve it hot, wit the yoghurt drizzled over the top and garnish it with coriander. In order to make a mushroom flan, the base is simply made from a wholemeal breadcrumb and yoghurt, which is less fattening than a conventional short crust pastry base. If you prefer a pastry base, either use a 225 g packet frozen short crust pastry, thawed, or short crust pastry made with 150 g flour. Almost any vegetable is good on a pizza. So try sliced fresh tomatoes; steamed fresh spinach; sliced canned artichokes; mushrooms; aubergine; courgettes or even baby onions. Cut all these vegetables into small chunks or slices and sautà ©ed in olive oil. Most firm cheeses with good melting properties are suitable for topping pizzas. Mozzarella is a traditional type of cheese, which is usually used in pizzas. However, there are quite different types of cheeses too which can be used in pizzas such as Bel Paese, Fontina, Taleggio, Gruyere or even Parmesan Cheese. Two tablespoons of honey and three tablespoons of Cinnamon powder, mix it with 16 ounces of tea water, if given to a cholesterol patient, it reduces the level of cholesterol in the bloody by 10% within two hours. It has been said that pure honey should be taken with food daily in order to relieve complains of cholesterol. Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply it on your bread and eat it regularly for breakfast instead of jam and jelly. This results in reducing the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heat attacks also. Make sure to drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water daily in the morning,  ½ hour before breakfast on an empty stomach. This will definitely show positive results if it is taken regularly. Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet. If you dont own a food processor, finely chop the onion, garlic, ginger and tomato and then mash the avocado before mixing with the remaining ingredients.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

the position of women in the work field in Egypt :: essays research papers

Women represent 49% of the Egyptian population. In 1956, the Constitution granted Egyptian women unconditional equal socio-political rights, thus crowning their struggle with success. Egyptian women participate in the process of development, assume the national responsibilities mentioned in the Constitution, and benefit from full legal rights that allow them to contribute in all aspects of the development process, either in the field of production or in services, according to their capabilities and skills. However, women participation in public life remains limited. This is due to a number of socio-economic and cultural factors that would tend to create a bias against females in some aspects of life, establishing thus a gender gap. Women in my country have become full partners in decision-making, and have proved themselves competent as doctors, surgeons, members of parliament, government ministers, entrepreneurs and pilots, all working alongside men for the sake of progress and development in Egypt. H.E. President Hosni Mubarak issued the Presidential Decree No. 90 for the year 2000 for the creation of the National Council for Women, as an autonomous body responsible for the empowerment of the Egyptian women. Certain fields of work have only been made accessible to women recently, such as the judiciary, and their presence in others, such as police and defense, is only symbolic. Although women have been appointed to certain political posts recently for the first time, such as: the first Judge in the Supreme Constitutional Court, the first President of the Administrative Prosecution Authority, the first head of a local council, the first chief of a village â€Å"Omda†, other posts are still resisting cultural changes like governor, rector of a university, or even a sitting judge in ordinary courts. Similarly, women have been allowed to hold military positions in the army.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Progressive Era Essay -- essays research papers

From president Roosevelt becoming a vegetarian to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the progressive era, foreign policy, and World War one were major parts of United States history. The progressive movement was caused by labor unions and the presidents’ progressive plans. World War one and Open Door Policy caused the American Foreign Policy. This in many ways helped shape and increase American power in the early 20th Century.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The progressive movement was an effort made to help make America to be safer and make the economy better. Social Welfare and African American rights where things that improved during the progressive era. Election Reforms started to change so it would give more power to the people instead of the government. The food industry was a very disgusting industry back then and it was so bad that when a man named Sinclair Upton wrote a book called The Jungle about it, it change the president into a vegetarian for six months until h came up with the Meat Inspection Act. Labor Unions such as, Knights of Labor and the A.F.L., started to increase in size because people wanted to have better job environments. Strikes emerged everywhere in the United States that helped job environments to improve. A major strike was in Chicago called the Haymarket Strike that turned the people against labor movement due to police brutality. President Roosevelt came up with a plan called the Squar e Deal, which used â€Å"Trust busting† and gave more powe...

Ethical Principles Notes :: Ethics Philosophy PHI Notes

Ethical Principles Notes There are many ethical principles. e.g. a woman has a right to control what happens to her body we should respect life we should do no harm to others we should help others there should be justice in the distribution of resources Some principles are more general than others. So some principles are special cases of more general ones. For instance, the right to control what happens to one's body is a special case of the principle of autonomy, the right to control one's own life. HÃ ©bert identifies 3 main general principles: Autonomy, Beneficence, and Justice. There may be other principles which are not special cases of these, e.g. respecting life. We can generally all agree to general principles, such as autonomy and beneficence. The disagreement comes over cases where the principles conflict, e.g., in abortion right, autonomy conflicts with beneficence. If a principle covers a case, it creates a duty. For example, it a person wishes to do something you disagree with, you have a duty to respect her autonomy. However, duties can be divided into two kinds: "Prima facie" and "Absolute" A prima facie duty is something you should do if there are no stronger reasons for doing something different. Prima facie duties can be trumped by other moral considerations. An absolute duty is something you should do no matter what. Nothing can trump an absolute duty. (There is some dispute about whether any absolute duties exist.) Rights and Duties If a person has a right to X, then she must get X (other things being equal.) If a person has a duty to do Y, then she must do Y (other things being equal). Not all right and wrong can be expressed in terms of rights or duties. But some good actions are not duties. Someone can go above and beyond the call of duty. I can be kind to someone I don't like even though I may have no moral duty to do so. The fact that a person has a right to do Y does not mean that Y is good. Ethical Principles Notes :: Ethics Philosophy PHI Notes Ethical Principles Notes There are many ethical principles. e.g. a woman has a right to control what happens to her body we should respect life we should do no harm to others we should help others there should be justice in the distribution of resources Some principles are more general than others. So some principles are special cases of more general ones. For instance, the right to control what happens to one's body is a special case of the principle of autonomy, the right to control one's own life. HÃ ©bert identifies 3 main general principles: Autonomy, Beneficence, and Justice. There may be other principles which are not special cases of these, e.g. respecting life. We can generally all agree to general principles, such as autonomy and beneficence. The disagreement comes over cases where the principles conflict, e.g., in abortion right, autonomy conflicts with beneficence. If a principle covers a case, it creates a duty. For example, it a person wishes to do something you disagree with, you have a duty to respect her autonomy. However, duties can be divided into two kinds: "Prima facie" and "Absolute" A prima facie duty is something you should do if there are no stronger reasons for doing something different. Prima facie duties can be trumped by other moral considerations. An absolute duty is something you should do no matter what. Nothing can trump an absolute duty. (There is some dispute about whether any absolute duties exist.) Rights and Duties If a person has a right to X, then she must get X (other things being equal.) If a person has a duty to do Y, then she must do Y (other things being equal). Not all right and wrong can be expressed in terms of rights or duties. But some good actions are not duties. Someone can go above and beyond the call of duty. I can be kind to someone I don't like even though I may have no moral duty to do so. The fact that a person has a right to do Y does not mean that Y is good.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Khaled Hosseini Essay

The story is about Amir and Hassan, a Hazara. They spend their days in a peaceful Kabul, kite fighting, roaming the streets and being boys. Amir’s father loves both the boys, but seems critical of Amir for not being manly enough. Amir also fears his father blames him for his mother’s death during childbirth. However, he has a kind father figure in the form of Rahim Khan, Baba’s friend, who understands Amir better, and is supportive of his interest in writing stories. Assef, a mean and violent older boy, blames Amir for socializing with a Hazara. According to Assef, the Hazaras were an inferior race that should only live in Hazarajat. He prepares to attack Amir with his steel knuckles, but Hassan bravely stands up to him, and threatens to shoot Assef in the eye with his slingshot. Assef and his friends back off, but Assef says he will take revenge. Hassan is a successful â€Å"kite runner† for Amir. He knows where the kite will land without even watching it. One triumphant day, Amir wins the local tournament, and finally Baba’s praise. Hassan goes to run the last cut, it was a great trophy. Hassan then said â€Å"For you, a thousand times over. † Unfortunately, Hassan runs into Assef and his two henchmen. Hassan refuses to give up Amir’s kite, so Assef exacts his revenge, assaulting and raping him. Wondering why Hassan is taking so long, Amir searches for Hassan and hides when he hears Assef’s voice. He witnesses the rape but is too scared to help him. Afterwards, for some time Hassan and Amir keep a distance from each other. Amir reacts differently because he feels ashamed, and is frustrated by Hassan’s saint-like behavior. Already jealous of Baba’s love for Hassan, Amir worries if Baba knew how bravely Hassan defended Amir’s kite, and how cowardly Amir acted, that Baba’s love for Hassan would grow even more. To force Hassan to leave, Amir frames him as a thief, and Hassan falsely confesses. Baba forgives him, despite the fact that, as he explained earlier, he believes that â€Å"there is no act more wretched than stealing. † Hassan and his father Ali, leave anyway. Hassan’s departure frees Amir of the daily reminder of his betrayal, but he still lives with his guilt. Five years later, the Russians invade Afghanistan; Amir and Baba escape to Peshawar, Pakistan and then to Fremont, California, where Amir and Baba, settle in an apartment and Baba works at a gas station. Amir eventually takes classes at a local community college to develop his writing skills. Every Sunday, Baba and Amir make extra money selling used goods at a flea market in San Jose. There, Amir meets fellow refugee Soraya and Soraya’s father, who was a high-ranked officer in Afghanistan. Baba is diagnosed with cancer but is still capable of granting Amir one last favor: he asks Soraya’s father’s permission for Amir to marry her. He agrees and they marry. Shortly thereafter Baba dies. Amir and Soraya get to know that they cannot have children. Fifteen years after his wedding, Amir receives a call from Rahim Khan, who is dying from an illness. Rahim Khan asks Amir to come to Pakistan. He tells Amir â€Å"there is a way to be good again. † Amir goes. Ali was killed by a land mine. Hassan had a wife and a son, named Sohrab, and had returned to Baba’s house as a caretaker at Rahim Khan’s request. One day the Taliban murdered Hassan, along with his wife. Rahim Khan reveals that Ali was not really Hassan’s father. Hassan was actually the son of Baba, therefore Amir’s half-brother. Rahim Khan tells Amir that the true reason he has called Amir to Pakistan is to go to Kabul to rescue Hassan’s son, Sohrab, from an orphanage. Amir returns to a Taliban-controlled Kabul with a guide, Farid, and searches for Sohrab at the orphanage. He does not find Sohrab where he was supposed to be. The director of the orphanage tells them that a Taliban official comes often, brings cash and usually takes a girl back with him. Once in a while however, he takes a boy, recently Sohrab. The director tells Amir to go to a soccer match and the man â€Å"who does the speeches† is the man who took Sohrab. Farid manages to secure an appointment with the speaker at his home, by saying that he and Amir have â€Å"personal business† with him. At the house, Amir has his meeting with the man in sunglasses. The man is revealed to be his childhood enemy, Assef. Assef is aware of Amir’s identity from the very beginning, but Amir doesn’t realize who he’s sitting across until Assef starts asking about Ali, Baba and Hassan. Sohrab is being kept at the home where he is made to dance dressed in women’s clothes, and it seems like Assef might have been sexually assaulting him. Assef agrees to release him, but only for a price – a fight with Amir. Amir is the protagonist of the story. He lives with his father, while his mother died when he was born. He has trouble getting attention and love from his father. He is best friends with Hassan, and the story follows him from the time he is a child to adult. He is good at school, but he is a boy who is struggling to get his father to be happy, he feels that he is the disappointment of his father. He characterizes himself as a coward, with little purpose. He changes his personal beliefs twice throughout the history. First time when Hassan is raped, after the event he is not talking with Hassan because of his guilt and gets Hassan kicked out of the house. The second is when he goes back to Afghanistan to retrieve the son of Hassan. As an adult, he proved what he can do, and is presented as a man with so much courage that no one else ever had. Hassan is the son of Ali, who is the servant of Baba. Hassan is a Hazara and he is often discriminated against and oppressed by others. Hassan is brave, loyal and always protects Amir. Since Hassan has not gone to school, he learns to read and write from Ali. He’s doing what he’s told. He is incredibly loyal to Amir. When Amir accuses him of stealing his watch, he said to Baba that he was the one who took it, without Amir asking him about it. Hassan is the character that changes at least throughout the history. Assef is the evil character in this book. He hates Hazaras, which is shown clearly in the book. Therefore, he is looking for Amir. He believes that it is his fault that Hassan lives with him. He is the one that causes problems between the childhood friends Amir and Hassan. We have two turning points in this book. The first comes when Hassan is sexually abused by Assef and his gang. It changes the friendship of Amir and Hassan. Amir stops talking with Hassan because he feels ashamed and feels that he has betrayed Hassan. The second turning point comes when Rahim Khan calls Amir. Amir changes and realizes that he can make things better. He decides to find Sohrab and get him to safety. This is the structure of the story. The story starts with a short introduction where the narrator tells us a little about himself and Kabul. Then we get more excitement and we get the climax. The climax is when Hassan got raped by Assef. Anything could happen at that point because Amir was looking at everything that happened. The excitement fell down after that incident because Hassan and Ali left the house, but it became more and more interesting after that because the Russians invaded Afghanistan and Amir had to leave Afghanistan. That was a big change in the story. Once again we got a climax when Amir stood face to face against Assef. He had a chance to take revenge now. This was our presentation of ‘’The Kite Runner’’. We have told you a little about the plot, the characters, the turning-points, climax, the setting, the themes and the message in the book. I will end the presentation by talking about my opinion about the book. I loved this book. It has a good structure, the content is really good and you don’t want to stop reading. I don’t like to read books, but this book was special. Sources:The Kite Runnerhttps://thekyterunner. wikispaces. com/Dragel%C3%B8peren| http://www. smartguy. no/klaer/t-shirt/t-shirt-logo/marinebla_polo-ralph-lauren-t-shirt_179718_21 http://www. smartguy. no/klaer/t-shirt/poloshirt/hvit_lacoste-poloskjorte_175476_3 http://www. smartguy. no/klaer/t-shirt/poloshirt/mellembla_tommy-hilfiger-poloshirt_187632_74 http://www. smartguy. no/klaer/t-shirt/poloshirt/svart_hugo-boss-orange-poloskjorte_182674_4 http://www. smartguy. no/klaer/jeans-bukser/bukser/sand_vito-chino_192150_27 http://karrierestart. no/jobb? jobtype=2&municipality=89&page=5 http://www. free-tv-video-online. me/internet/the_ellen_degeneres_show/season_10. html http://www. handelsportal. no/butikk/iphone-4-4s/iphone-4-deksel-og-etui http://max100. no/index. php? route=product/product&path=20_64_67&product_id=292.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Stroke Epidemiology In Southwestern Iran Health And Social Care Essay

IntroductionHarmonizing to the World health Organization definition, zest is the rapid imitate advance of marks and symptoms bringd by trap or widespread break of wit map which has vascular beginning and takes to a greater extent than 24 hours ( 1, 2 ) . Stroke flush toilet be by and large split into two classs Ischemic and hemorrhagic ( 1 ) .The disease is the 2nd prima cause of decease in the populace and considered as the 3rd in the United States and opposite industrialised sound outs ( 3-8 ) . 55 million deceases egest each twelvemonth in the universe where 10 % of them are overdue to dig ( 9 ) . In the United States closely 780,000 tangs occur each twelvemonth ( unmatched two(prenominal) 40 seconds ) art object 87 % is ischemic and 13 % is haemorrhagic type. y first mortality rate of the disease in this present is 150,000 people ( genius out of any 4-3 proceedingss ) so it is estimated that unrivalled out of every 16 Americans die due to chance even t ( 9 ) .In aathe middle eastern virtually and North Africa deceases misadventure within 28 yearss of the morbid varies from 10 % in Kuwait to 31/5 % in Iran ( 4 ) . This disease, which two-thirds of all instances of it occurs in developing states, although preventable but is change magnitude ( 12, 13 ) . Prognosiss suggest that by 2030 deceases from cerebrovascular accident will duplicate in the Middle East and North Africa ( 4 ) . change magnitude sequence is such major risk of infection reckon for the disease that after eld 55, the hazard of separatrix doubles every 10 erstwhile(a) be ons ( 7 ) . full(prenominal)-pitchedschool blood chock up per building block demesne as the nearly common preventable causes of the disease is an other hazard crash ( 11 ) . Other hazard factors accept diabetes, smoke, fleshiness, deficiency of exercising, eating a feed high in cholesterin and salt, intoxicant, atrial fibrillation, and household history of OCP us suppurate ( 7, 11, 14, 15 ) . In add-on gender is decision making factor in this disease In general shot is more probably to happen in move draw ins However, due to the longer life anticipation of heavy(p) female persons on one manus and the high incidence of shot in honest-to-goodness ripens in the other manus, the omen of instances in adult females is more than in work take ups ( 16 ) . other note is that shot as the most of import factor for physical disablement in the universe, is one of the chief factors need long-run infirmary attention which led to a master(prenominal) addition in the cost of discussion ( 7, 8 ) . In general, the direct and confirmative costs ( including old ages of lost benefits ) associate to the disease in the United States is slightly 5.65 billion yearly ( 17 ) .Consequences from some surveies in Iran shows incidence of shot moderately 43 instances per 100,000 people that 67 % is ischemic and 23 % is haemorrhagic type ( 18, 19 ) . The most common hazard factor which has been achieved is high blood force per unit compass with prevalence about 54 % ( 18, 19 ) . Incidence of shot was somewhat higher in adult females in all age classs ( 51-53 % ) However, in the age group 45-15 old ages occurs more in work forces while the specify age of incidence is in the 7th decennary of life. Death within 28 yearss of shot in a stack was 19.2 % , and in another 1 was 31.5 % ( 18 ) . Another review refers to the unknown state of affairs of this disease in the Middle East and mismatch with cultures in Western states ( 1 ) that one term once more derives clear the demand for more surveies in this respect.The lone survey conducted in Shiraz investigates early encephalon bleeding due to high blood force per unit area in patients referred to Shiraz University of Medical Sciences infirmaries during 2002-2004 ( 20 ) . lecture the preventable nature of the disease, it is necessary to make more surveies to find hazard factors and unverbaliz ed in causes in a suspect population in order to draft and be after for the bar of it ( 18 ) .Sing that no epidemiological survey have been conducted to clear up assorted facets of shot in Shiraz since earlier, this survey was conducted in Shiraz Namazee learning Hospital as a referral centre for shot patients in Fars state and southwesterly Iran to obtain general information about the position of the disease in this part.Material and MethodWe conducted this infirmary-based survey surrounded by expansive 2010 and January 2011 in Shiraz Namazee learning infirmary. This infirmary is one of the chief referral centres for neurologicalal diseases in southwesterly Iran and affiliated with the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. As this survey was a cross-sectional one, all patients admitted in exigency and neurology ward with diagnosing of shot based on their clinical manifestations and imaging ( MRI or CT scan ) during this period were included. Patients with trans eunt ischaemic onslaught and those who released by themselves during hospital rough were excluded. Three medical pupils with supervising and part of one neurology occupant end the informations assemblage sheet by learning patient paperss during and after study period. It contains the most of import informations about these patients including age, sex, type of shot, medicine history, hazard factors, degree of consciousness, neurologic marks, protraction of hospitalization, result and cocksure medicines after discharge. We canvass our informations with SPSS version 16 and considered P-Value less than 0.05 burning(prenominal).Consequences305 stroking patients were investigated that 269 ( 88.2 % ) had ischaemic and 36 ( 11.8 % ) had hemorrhagic shot. 64 ( 21 % ) had recurrent stroke while others experienced their first of all time shot.133 ( 43.6 % ) adult male and 172 ( 56.4 % ) adult female between 27- 97 old ages old ( mean68.3312.99 ) were classified to six age groups that most of them were between 61-80 old ages old, although informations depth psychology did nt uncover important difference between mortality rates ( Table 1 ) . Average age of ischaemic shot was 68.613.1 and hemorrhagic was % of all patients run out during their hospital coarse while 11.4 % of ischaemic and 40.6 % of haemorrhagic shots lead to decease ( OR5.34, 95 % C.I. 2.35-12.11 ) . closely common hazard factors among all patients were high blood pressure and ischaemic bosom disease ( figure 1 ) . Hyperlipidemia, ischaemic bosom disease and diabetes had important different prevalence between age groups in a manner that their most prevalence were between 41-50, higher up 60 and between 41-60 old ages old, severally ( figure 2 ) .In another salmagundi we categorized the patients into two groups below and above 45 old ages old. 5 % were under 45 and 95 % were above 45 old ages old. CVA type and mortality rate was non significantly different between these two groups.M ost common neurologic marks of patients were right side failing, left over(p) side failing and dysarthria ( figure 3 ) .In facet of degree of consciousness, 6.3 % were comatose, 7.2 % Stuporous, 22 % confused and 64.5 % were witting that 78.6 % , 31.3 % , 16.3 % and 5.6 % of them discontinue during their hospital coarse severally ( figure 4 ) .Mean systolic blood force per unit area in ignore patients was 148.2mmHg and in expired patients was 144.7mmHg. in addition mean diastolic blood force per unit area in dismissed and expired patients was 84.5mmHg and 86.6mmHg severally. Mean systolic blood force per unit area in ischaemic shots was 145mmHg and in haemorrhagic shots was 160mmHg ( P=0.006 ) . Besides mean diastolic blood force per unit area in ischaemic shots and haemorrhagic 1s was 83mmHg and 90mmHg severally ( P=0.013 ) .Most common drugs used among patients was antihypertensive drugs ( 43.3 % ) and acetylsalicylic biting ( 26.9 % ) . Statins ( 32.7 % ) and acetylsalicylic acid ( 31.6 % ) were most common drugs prescribed for ischaemic patients who were discharged.Median yearss of hospitalization for both types of shot and both discharged and expired patients was 2.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Only the Strong Survive

Only the Strong Survive

The price of capital has increased.There is a big difference between the shipbuilding market of 2002 and 2013, however.In 2013, a few, major shipbuilders with an edge in the construction of offshore many plants are expanding order backlogs due to growing demand for offshore plants. We anticipate investments in offshore E&P projects will continue to rise, as we expect oil prices will remain high. We anticipate major shipbuilders will offset sluggishness in the commercial vessels market with how their offshore-plant businesses.Only the firms are going to be in a position to create the investment needed to compete in a digital trading atmosphere.[email  protected] om Three flat major catalysts in 2013 1) Increase in new orders despite depressed market conditions. 2) Improved cash flow and balance sheets. 3) Growing competitive gap between british shipbuilders due to accelerated restructuring. Historic low P/B presents attractive valuations We expect Korean shipbuilders will be abl e to maintain their competitive edge regardless of the depressed shipbuilding market.

Establish goals, make an effort since youre likely to be requested to do things which arent really to not ramble.We find Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (010620 KS/Buy/TP: W148,000) to be the best among shipbuilders that focus on mid-to-small vessels. We raise our target price on Samsung Heavy Industries by 5% to W46,200 to reflect its stable earnings and solid order flow; however, we downgrade our rating of Hanjin Heavy I&C (097230 KS/Hold) from Trading Buy to Hold. Three major domestic shipbuildersE cash flow and share performance (Wbn) 10,000 Avg. ash cerebral flow of major shipbuilders (L) Avg.Thus the liberty of everyone is the outcome of solidarity.Three major domestic shipbuildersE order trend and forecast (Wbn) 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 plate 13F Shipbuilding Non-shipbuilding Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 3. KOSPI and shipbuilding stock index trend (1/1999=100) 1,000 KOSPI Shipbuilding stoc k index 800 600 400 200 0 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 13 14F 14 Source: KDB Daewoo Securities ResearchKDB korean Daewoo Securities Research 2 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Three major catalysts in 2013 1. New orders for major Korean shipbuilders to increase sharply In 2013, we expect major Korean shipbuilders will see sharp increases in new orders. Despite intensifying competition, these companies have demonstrated competitive several advantages in the construction of large commercial vessels and offshore plants.

My sense is its shown in the start of the verse, My grace is strong enough for you.In particular, we expect orders for certain high-priced vessels, including FPSO and LNG FPSO, to increase. 2.Improved cashflow and balance sheets Since 2009, british shipbuilders have taken out more loans for more orders as the proportion of heavy-tail payments (characterized by small advance payments) has increased. On a more positive note, however, we expect shipbuilder loans to decrease (thus improving cashflow) as these contracts are paid off toward late 2013.Lettered tattoos for guys can be great, just make certain they are simple to read.Second phase of restructuring to further consolidate industry We anticipate the shipbuilding market will remain weak due to the global economic downturn, logical and the tightening of ship financing. We project the current, still-surviving shipbuilding companies will aggressively seek new orders to strengthen backlogs. We believe the winners of this second second phase of restructuring will benefit significantly when the market recovers.Amid the current drop in vessel construction, the percentage of bulk carriers and tankers (out of total orders) has decreased significantly, while the percentage of megacontainerships and LNG carriers has increased.

Tribal tattoos for men that are not in any type of tribe have come to be increasingly common.Another risk factor is won appreciation, but at current levels, we believe risks are limited, thanks to Korean shipbuildersE technological edge, and dollar denominated payment for raw materials, which accounts for 40% of total raw organic material purchase. KDB Daewoo Securities Research 3 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Figure 4. Three major domestic shipbuildersE cash flow logical and share performance (Wbn) 10,000 Avg. cash flow of major shipbuilders (L) Avg.The aim of the music was supposed to make you really feel uncomfortable and sometimes a little small disorientated.7% 8 0 2008 2012 Source: Clarkson, press release, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 6. Comparison of currency rates (10/2/2012=100) 105 US$/W JPY100/W EUR/W RMB/W 100 95 90 85 80 10/12 11/12 12/12 1/13 Source: KOSTAT, KDB Daewoo Securities Research KDB Daewoo Securities Research 4 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Inve stment strategy & valuationWe believe the P/B of KoreaEs gilt top 3 shipbuilders, which is trading at around 1. 0x, should rebound to 1. 2x, a level seen historically as the low, thanks to the aforementioned three major catalysts.

old Folks who make the decisions.nd Sembcorp Marine (Singapore companies specialized in offshore plant). In light of the ongoing eurozone crisis and unstable global economy, shipbuilding new shares are expected to trade between a P/B of 1. 0x~1. 3x.Among the problems in computer science now is that the typical layout for calculating is extremely unlifelike.Figure 7. Major shipbuildersE ROE, P/B trends (Market cap, Wtr) 4. 0x (%) 50 3. 0x 40 90 60 2.

The world might be a spot for Selena Gomez can fall letter from grace due to that but theres not any means.New order trends (US$bn) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 HHI SHI HMD Figure 10. Order backlog trends (US$bn) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 07 08 09 10 11 12 HHI SHI HMD Source: Company Data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Source: Company Data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 11. Sales breakdown by business unit (Wtr) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 HHI 11 10 SHI 11 Construction Other Refinery Finance Green potential energy Electro electric systems Construction equipment Engine & machinery Industrial plant & engineering Offshore & engineering Shipbuilding Figure 12. Hyundai Heavy IndustriesE P/B upward trend Market cap,Wbn) 42,000 35,000 28,000 21,000 14,000 7,000 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 13 3.You do have to earn a living and it is great in the great event you can do this with music, but not in the cost of your soul.0x Source: Company Data, KDB ko rean Daewoo Securities Research Source: KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 13. Samsung Heavy IndustriesE P/B trend (Market cap,Wbn) 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 1. 0x 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 13F 2. 0x 6.

Men have another reason behind choosing a mate.5x 6,000 2. 0x 1. 5x 4,000 1. 0x 2,000 0.Such men want the endurance to keep a high degree of combat readiness.0 Figure 18.EPS growth-P/E comparison (P/E, x) 20 Keppel 2. 0 Sembcorp Mitsubishi HHI 1. 0 Guangzhou Sumitomo giant Mitsui (ROE, %) 0.

It will happen once begun.6 Market EPS Growth (13F, %) 19. 1 P/E (13F, x) 8. 5 Market P/E (13F, x) 9. 0 KOSPI 1,977.There is simply no doubt.1 Foreign Ownership (%) 19. 6 Major Shareholder(s) Mong-Jun Jung et al. (21. 31%) Treasury shares (19.

Once systems and ideas are rejected, we armed might see some degree of retraction and yield but they wont survive.7 Relative -0. 9 -12. 6 -27. 1 One step back for twenty two steps forward ? ? ? Targeting orders of US$29.However, we expect the company to record robust orders in 2013, boosted by a pickup in the offshore/onshore plant market. The companyEs earnings how are anticipated to turn around in 2H13, while its cash flow should improve on massive orders and an increase in heavy-tail payments. HHIEs shares how are trading at a 2013F P/E of 8. 5x and a P/B of 1.In 2013, however, the company will be able to achieve its order target of US$29. 7bn in light of new its strong determination to revamp its business structure. 2) The company is anticipated to receive massive offshore/onshore plant orders.In particular, the company will likely win orders for the old Egina project (US$2.

4) Exports of construction equipment and ultra-high voltage transformers should also increase on recoveries in the US and Chinese economies. ) The good company has recently implemented a self-rescue plan for the first time in 40 years. While the number of applications for HHIEs early retirement plan (pushed through at end-2012) missed expectations, the company has subsequently carried out structural reform measures. We expect the companyEs long-term restructuring efforts to positively affect earnings going forward.7 3,782 6. NP (Wbn) 4,154 2,559 1,729 2,033 2,449 EPS EBITDA brilliant FCF ROE P/E (Won) (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) (x) 54,652 6,326 88 34. 5 8. 1 33,671 5,473 -504 16.1 8. 5 32,218 4,768 2,297 12. 2 7. 1 P/B (x) 2.9 EV/EBITDA (x) 6. 5 5. 3 8. 5 6.

8 12/12F 54,741 49,759 4,981 2,496 2,485 2,485 110 233 -240 2,595 766 1,829 0 1,829 1,729 100 1,568 1,458 110 3,469 -2,260 6. 3 4. 5 3. 2 12/13F 58,433 52,473 5,960 2,630 3,331 3,331 -448 248 -200 2,882 749 2,133 0 2,133 2,033 100 1,872 1,762 110 4,320 2,005 7.0 3. 9 Statement of Financial Condition (Summarized) Wbn) Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents AR & Other Receivables report Inventories Other Current Assets Non-Current Assets Investments in Associates Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets Total Assets Current total Liabilities AP & Other Payables Short-Term Financial Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Long-Term Financial Liabilities Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Controlling Interests Capital Stock Capital economic Surplus Retained Earnings Non-Controlling Interests Stockholders Equity 12/11 23,076 1,610 9,525 6,478 2,359 25,924 973 15,565 2,324 49,001 25,491 14,339 8,903 2,249 5,334 3,224 1,954 30,824 16,379 380 1,100 15,399 1,797 18,177 12/12F 25,628 1,888 10,237 6,897 2,737 24,553 916 15,706 2,290 50,181 23,183 11,605 9,060 2,518 7,460 5,550 1,755 30,643 17,624 380 1,100 16,894 1,915 19,538 12/13F 28,538 3,517 10,927 7,304 2,922 24,365 716 15,703 2,264 52,903 24,136 12,388 9,060 2,688 7,602 5,550 1,896 31,737 19,141 380 1,100 18,682 2,025 21,166 12/14F 30,153 3,469 11,786 7,878 3,151 24,277 566 15,700 2,240 54,430 24,320 13,361 8,060 2,899 6,901 4,550 2,195 31,221 21,074 380 1,100 20,885 2,135 23,208 Cash Flows (Summarized) Wbn) Cash Flows from Op Activities Net Profit Non-Cash Income and great Expense Depreciation Amortization Others Chg in Working Capital Chg in AR & Other Receivables Chg in Inventories Chg in AP & Other Payables Income Tax Paid Cash Flows from Inv Activities Chg in PP&E Chg in Intangible total Assets Chg in Financial Assets Others Cash Flows from Fin Activities Chg in Financial Liabilities Chg in Equity big Dividends Paid Others Increase (Decrease) in Cash Beginning B alance Ending Balance 12/11 276 2,743 3,078 853 85 -860 -4,072 -178 -1,442 -364 -1,474 -888 -1,583 -67 -34 796 347 1,206 0 -411 -448 -269 1,879 1,610 12/12F -1,972 1,829 1,907 899 85 107 -4,572 -512 -453 -3,197 -1,136 -544 -1,074 -60 406 184 2,806 3,484 0 -245 -444 278 1,610 1,888 12/13F 3,082 2,133 2,187 903 86 50 -489 -691 -407 783 -749 -770 -900 -60 0 190 -683 0 0 -245 -438 1,628 1,888 3,517 12/14F 3,345 2,549 2,220 903 84 50 -528 -859 -574 973 -895 -738 -900 -60 0 222 -2,654 -2,000 0 -245 -409 -48 3,517 3,469 Forecasts/Valuations (Summarized)P/E (x) P/CF (x) P/B (x) EV/EBITDA (x) EPS (W) CFPS (W) BPS (W) DPS (W) Payout ratio (%) Dividend Yield (%) Revenue Growth (%) EBITDA Growth (%) Operating Profit economic Growth (%) EPS Growth (%) Accounts Receivable Turnover (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Accounts Payable Turnover (x) ROA (%) ROE (%) ROIC (%) Liability to Equity high Ratio (%) Current Ratio (%) Net Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Interest Coverage Ratio (x) 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F 7. 6 10. 6 8.7 5. 0 1. 3 1. 1 1.2 5. 2 33,671 22,750 26,750 32,218 46,009 35,699 39,772 45,203 203,367 220,183 240,492 266,237 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 9. 6 0. 0 12.

8 1. 8 43. 8 1. 9 6.5 10. 4 -18. 0 -45. 2 34.6 20. 4 5. 9 6. 0 6.2 8. 3 4. 1 4. 8 5.

1 4. 8 16. 7 10. 2 11.0 11. 2 169. 6 156. 8 150.2 124. 0 40. 8 45. 3 34.6 9. 2 Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates KDB Daewoo Securities further Research 9 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Samsung Heavy Industries (010140 KS) Buy (Maintain) Target Price (12M, W) 46,200 Share Price (01/16/13, W) 37,850 Expected Return (%) 22. 1 EPS Growth (13F, %) 0. 6 Market EPS Growth (13F, %) 19.

0 Free Float (%) 69. 5 52-Week Low (W) 31,650 52-Week High (W) 42,350 Beta (12M, Daily Rate of Return) 1. 57 Price Return Volatility (12M Daily, %, SD) 2. 3 Foreign Ownership (%) 32.05%) Price Performance (%) 1M 6M 12M ablative Absolute -2. 7 4. 3 12. 3 Relative Stable business operations and earnings to remain intact in 2013 Raise TP by 5% to W46,200; Maintain Buy Raise TP by 5% to W46,200; Maintain Buy We maintain our Buy call on Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) and raise how our target price 5% to W46,200. In deriving our target price, we applied a 5% premium to the companyEs lowest P/B level since 2005 (1. 3x). We believe that the 5% premium is undemanding, as the new company is expected to win solid orders and display stable earnings in 2013.3x. We think that SHI has strong investment merits in light of its competitive edge, stable earnings, robust growth potential, and cash flow improvement. Investment summary 1) Domestic institutions how are most optimistic on SHI am ong the three largest domestic shipbuilders. SHI has proven its superior competitiveness in the offshore plant business, including FLNG and drillships.

As such, the company will be able to repay its debt and strengthen its financial structure. 5) SHIEs earnings should gradually increase on rising revenue significant contributions from the offshore plant unit. Share price 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 1/12 5/12 9/12 1/13 KOSPI Earnings & Valuation Metrics FY 12/10 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F Revenue (Wbn) 13,146 13,392 14,875 14,980 15,751 OP OP Margin NP (Wbn) (%) (Wbn) 1,433 10. 1,000 1,160 8.7 3,685 1,455 1,556 19. 4 4,021 1,551 282 18. 4 4,044 1,514 931 15. 8 4,396 1,667 978 14.4 8. 6 P/B (x) 2. 1 1. 2 1.4 6. 1 5. 5 4. 5 Notes: All figures are based on consolidated K-IFRS; NP refers to net profit attributable to controlling interests Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates Daewoo Securities Research 10 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Samsung Heavy Industries (010140 KS/Buy/TP: W46,200) Comprehensive net Income Statement (Summarized) Wbn) Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG Expenses Operating Profit (A dj) Operating Profit Non-Operating Profit Net Financial Income Net Gain letter from Inv in Associates Pretax Profit Income Tax Profit from Continuing Operations Profit from Discontinued Operations Net Profit less Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests Total Comprehensive Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests EBITDA FCF (Free Cash Flow) EBITDA Margin (%) Operating net Profit Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%) 12/11 13,392 11,628 1,763 681 1,083 1,160 -10 -25 -32 1,150 299 851 0 851 851 0 616 616 0 1,455 1,556 10.

2 6. 2 12/13F 14,980 13,017 1,962 764 1,198 1,198 4 -44 0 1,202 268 934 0 934 934 0 925 925 0 1,514 931 10. 1 8. 0 6.6 5. 3 1. 2 5. 4 3,685 5,296 22,582 500 12.0 -14. 9 2. 8 23. 3 3.4 91. 3 25. 8 57. 5 12/12F 9.

0 0. 0 11. 1 6. 6 5.7 5. 8 18. 4 18. 9 182.7. 0 1. 3 5. 5 4,044 5,410 30,381 0 11.2 0. 6 4. 0 27. 1 4.

5 126. 4 -10. 3 69. 5 12/14F 8.0 0. 0 5. 2 10. 1 13.1 6. 4 14. 9 19. 1 121.4 EPS economic Growth (13F, %) 45. 2 Market EPS Growth (13F, %) 19. 1 P/E (13F, x) 13. 1 Market P/E (13F, x) 9.

58 Price Return Volatility (12M Daily, %, SD) 2. 4 Foreign Ownership (%) 18. 1 Major Shareholder(s) Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries et al. (46.We expect HMD to maintain stable rapid growth in orders and earnings, despite the global economic slowdown and eurozone fiscal crisis. Indeed, among small- to mid-sized shipbuilders, HMD is the company most favored by shipowners. Amid an expected further slowdown in the shipbuilding market, the company is anticipated to display distinguished share performance in 2013. Given HMDEs cash holdings of W450bn logical and the value of its stake in Hyundai Heavy Industries (W1.Investment points ) We believe HMD will continue to display outstanding performance among small- to mid-sized Korean british shipbuilders in 2013. Even amid intensifying competition due to limited orders and low ship prices, the company is expected to enjoy stable orders, earnings, and cash flow this year. 2) HMDEs competitiveness comes from its productivity, financing capa bility, and the quality of its products. It also boasts strong cost competitiveness as the company purchases raw materials at relatively lower prices from the Hyundai top Heavy Industries Group.5 3. 3 6M 6. 4 -2. 4 12M 11.

1 4,624 378 8. 2 200 9,992 441 -633 5. 5 11. 2 4,404 126 2.4 13. 1 4,855 230 4. 235 11,770 293 416 7. 4 10.2 1. 0 13. 8 0. 9 8.2 4. 3 12/12F 4,404 4,002 402 276 126 126 41 -8 -2 167 41 126 0 126 131 -5 -274 -265 -9 192 -563 4. 4 2. 9 3.

0 4. 7 4. 9 Statement of Financial Condition (Summarized) Wbn) Current total Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents AR & Other Receivables Inventories Other Current Assets Non-Current Assets Investments in Associates Property, Plant logical and Equipment Intangible Assets Total Assets Current Liabilities AP & Other Payables Short-Term Financial Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Long-Term Financial Liabilities Other Non-Current Liabilities grand Total Liabilities Controlling Interests Capital Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Non-Controlling Interests Stockholders Equity 12/11 4,134 564 975 283 427 3,691 34 889 340 7,825 3,914 1,774 1,779 361 502 56 420 4,416 3,217 100 91 2,081 191 3,409 12/12F 4,994 418 1,814 231 352 3,632 35 928 341 8,626 4,499 1,850 2,253 396 999 191 781 5,498 2,912 100 90 2,172 215 3,127 12/13F 4,919 468 1,568 243 462 3,675 33 964 344 8,593 4,274 1,905 1,953 416 1,046 141 878 5,320 3,067 100 90 2,323 206 3,273 12/14F 4,878 532 1,4 27 255 486 3,650 31 933 347 8,527 4,071 1,991 1,643 437 993 101 865 5,063 3,267 100 90 2,519 197 3,464 Cash Flows (Summarized) Wbn) Cash Flows from Op Activities Net Profit Non-Cash Income and Expense Depreciation year Amortization Others Chg in Working Capital Chg in AR & Other Receivables Chg in Inventories Chg in AP & Other current Payables Income Tax Paid Cash Flows from Inv Activities Chg in PP&E Chg in Intangible Assets Chg in Financial Assets Others Cash Flows from Fin Activities Chg in Financial Liabilities Chg in Equity Dividends Paid Others significant Increase (Decrease) in Cash Beginning Balance Ending Balance 12/11 -697 202 311 62 1 -213 -1,075 -190 -54 -593 -135 441 -100 -4 400 145 93 245 0 -93 -59 -168 732 564 12/12F -816 126 78 65 2 -12 -969 -220 52 66 -50 150 -112 -4 79 186 516 601 0 -39 -46 -146 564 418 12/13F 489 185 71 64 1 10 291 247 -12 56 -58 -47 -100 -4 0 57 -392 -350 0 -39 -2 50 418 468 12/14F 432 230 62 62 1 30 212 140 -12 86 -73 23 -30 -4 0 57 -391 -350 0 -39 -2 64 468 532 Forecasts/Valuations (Summarized)P/E (x) P/CF (x) P/B (x) EV/EBITDA (x) EPS (W) CFPS (W) BPS (W) DPS (W) Payout ratio (%) Dividend Yield (%) Revenue Growth (%) negative EBITDA Growth (%) Operating Profit Growth (%) EPS Growth (%) Accounts Receivable Turnover (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Accounts Payable Turnover (x) ROA (%) ROE (%) ROIC (%) strict Liability to Equity Ratio (%) Current Ratio (%) Net Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Interest Coverage Ratio (x) 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F 11. 2 19.9 9. 8 8. 4 0. 8 1.8 8. 6 6. 0 9,992 6,556 9,518 11,770 13,153 9,869 12,760 14,910 146,152 130,821 138,428 148,290 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 19. 6 29.6 1. 6 1. 6 11. 7 -4.

5 33. 4 14. 3 -44. 7 -66.4 45. 2 23. 7 6. 1 4.1 19. 5 19. 5 2. 5 3.5 2. 2 2. 7 5. 5 4.

1 10. 7 15. 6 129. 6 175.0 115. 1 119. 8 -18. 0 -4.6 78. 1 109. 7Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates KDB Daewoo Securities Research 13 late January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hanjin Heavy I&C (097230 KS) Hold (Downgrade) Target Price (12M, W) Share Price (01/16/13, W) 10,000 Expected Return (%) 0. 0 EPS economic Growth (13F, %) RR Market EPS Growth (13F, %) 19.6 52-Week Low (W) 10,000 52-Week High (W) 23,850 Beta (12M, Daily Rate of Return) 1. 43 Price Return high Volatility (12M Daily, %, SD) 2. 7 Foreign Ownership (%) 9. Major Shareholder(s) Hanjin Heavy I Holdings et al (37.

We believe that the companyEs earnings and ready cash flow will not improve for the time being, given its tepid order performance amid the sluggish commercial vessel market, and the front suspension of its Youngdo shipyard due to a strike.Although the company has recently embarked on the development of an industrial site near the Incheon port, the project is unlikely to boost operating gross profit markedly due to high capital requirements and increased interest expenses. As such, the companyEs shares are unlikely to recover in the near term, in our view Although the companyEs shares are trading at a 2013F P/B of just 0. 4x, we believe that their investment merits are low.2) There is a slow growing possibility that the Subic shipyard will take new orders, as it possesses strong price competitiveness. However, as it is difficult to slender build highend vessels at the Subic shipyard, the companyEs earnings are unlikely to recover in the near future. 3) There are many labor-manag ement social issues yet to be resolved, including one related to employees who are currently on leave due to a lack of work. ) Although HHIC is meeting its short-term capital special needs through real estate disposal, the company will likely find it difficult to sell large-scale real estate assets due to the real personal estate market slump.Proceeds from the companyEs planned rights offering (estimated to at W180bn) should be only equivalent to its annual interest expenses. 6M -26. 7 -35. 5 12M -47.5 -103 2,795 76 2. 7 -10 3,071 83 2. 7 -32 EPS EBITDA FCF ROE (Won) (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) -1,496 312 487 -3. 6 -2,006 200 -224 -5.

0 0. 5 0. 4 0. 4 0.9 18. 0 Notes: All figures are based on consolidated K-IFRS; NP refers to net profit attributable to controlling interests Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates Daewoo Securities Research 14 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hanjin Heavy I (097230 KS/Hold) Comprehensive national Income Statement (Summarized) Wbn) Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG Expenses Operating Profit (Adj) Operating Profit Non-Operating Profit Net Financial Income Net Gain letter from Inv in Associates Pretax Profit Income Tax Profit from Continuing Operations Profit from Discontinued Operations Net Profit more Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests Total Comprehensive Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests EBITDA FCF (Free Cash Flow) EBITDA Margin (%) Operating net Profit Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%) 12/11 2,892 2,665 227 140 87 108 -190 171 -2 -82 15 -97 0 -97 -97 0 -90 -90 0 200 -224 6. 9 3. 7 -3.0 2. 7 -0. 4 12/14F 3,071 2,764 30 7 224 83 83 -125 150 0 -42 -9 -33 0 -33 -32 0 -57 -56 0 184 146 6. 0 2.9 -2,006 323 36,806 0 0. 0 0. 0 -8. 7 -35.

2 -1. 3 -5. 1 2. 4 276.3 0. 4 24. 0 -2,123 -111 34,182 0 0. 0 0.3 8. 0 3. 9 -1. 5 -5.5 0. 3 12/13F 5. 9 0. 4 16.

8 20. 1 RR 3. 6 9. 8 4.6 87. 1 152. 8 0. 4 12/14F 10.0 9. 9 -5. 8 9. 9 RR 3.8 2. 4 267. 0 81. 7 157.

As of the publication date, Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. has been acting as a financial advisor to Hyundai Mipo Dockyard for its treasury stock trust, and other than this, Daewoo Securities has no other special interests in the companies covered in this report.As of the publication date, Daewoo Securities Co.* The target price was determined by the research political analyst through valuation methods discussed in this report, in part based on the analystEs estimate of future earnings. The achievement of the target price may be impeded by risks related to the subject securities and companies, as well as general market and economic conditions. W) 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1/11 7/11 1/12 7/12 1/13 korean Hyundai Heavy Industries (W) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1/11 7/11 1/12 7/12 1/13 Samsung Heavy Industries (W) 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1/11 7/11 1/12 7/12 1/13 Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (W) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1 /11 7/11 1/12 7/12 1/13 Hanjin Heavy I&C Analyst such Certification The research analysts who prepared this report (the „Analysts†°) are registered with the Korea Financial Investment Association and are subject to Korean marketable securities regulations. They are neither registered as research analysts in any other jurisdiction nor subject to the laws and regulations thereof.Except as otherwise specified herein, the Analysts have logical not received any compensation or any other benefits from the subject companies in the past 12 months and have not been promised the same in direct connection with this report.No part of the compensation of the Analysts was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views contained in this report but, like all employees of Daewoo Securities, the Analysts receive compensation that is impacted by overall firm profitability, which includes public revenues from, among other business units, the instituti onal equities, investment banking, proprietary trading and private client division. At the time of publication of try this report, the Analysts do not know or have reason to know of any actual, material conflict of interest of the Analyst or korean Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd.Information and pinions contained herein have been compiled from sources believed to be reliable and in good faith, but such information old has not been independently verified and Daewoo makes no guarantee, representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, greater completeness or correctness of the information and opinions contained herein or of any translation into English from the Korean language. If this report is an English french translation of a report prepared in the Korean language, the original Korean language report may have been made available to investors in advance of this report. Daewoo, its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees and agents do not accept a ny liability for any loss arising letter from the use hereof. This report is for general information purposes only and it is not and should not be construed as an such offer or a solicitation of an offer to effect transactions in any securities or other financial instruments.

The price and value of the investments referred to in this report and the income from them may go down as well as up, and institutional investors may realize losses on any investments. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Future returns are not guaranteed, and a great loss of original capital may occur. Daewoo Securities Research 16 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Distribution United Kingdom: This report is being distributed by Daewoo Securities (Europe) Ltd.S. by Daewoo Securities (America) Inc. , a member of FINRA/SIPC, and is only intended for major institutional investors as defined in Rule 15a-6(b)(4) under the U. S.Any U. S. recipient of this document wishing to effect a transaction in any securities discussed herein should contact and same place orders with Daewoo Securities (America) Inc. , which accepts responsibility for the contents of this report in the U.S. or to U. S. ersons absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requi rements.